With the current events going on in the world, many people are concerned about how meat raffles will proceed.

It is currently up to each group and venue on whether or not a raffle will still be held. If a group decides not to hold their raffle, it is up to them on refunds or honoring the ticket at a future raffle.

WNYMEATRAFFLES will try their best to get information out as quick as possible in canceled or postponed meat raffles.

Please continue to check the website as well as our Facebook page for any information regarding cancelations. 

If you do plans on attending a meat raffle, please keep a few things in mind!

•Wash your hands as often as you can
•Use hand sanitizer before and after dealing with money or tickets.
•Cover you nose and mouth when coughing and/or sneezing.
•HYDRATE! (With water)
•If you are sick, please do not risk yourself and others by attending a raffle. There will be more raffles to attend.