New Ownership

"When faced with a large project, remember you move a mountain one stone at a time."

-Catherine Pulsifer

While I won’t give away as to who I am, I have been active in the Western New York Meat Raffle scene for a decade! Meat raffles have become a large part of my life and it excites me to finally have a chance to be able do more behind the scenes. I do a lot outside of meat raffles so I do ask that you be patient with me getting you answers on MC’s, posting fliers, and any other inquiries that you may have.

I’m not sure if he will read this, but I want to thank my predecessor, the OG Admin at WNYMeatRaffles.Com, for creating such an amazing website and allowing me to take over. He took something that started so small and turned it into something huge.

In the upcoming months, many things will change how you see and interact with the website. Some things will stick and some won’t. If you’d like to give feedback, I’ll post more on our blog as things change to receive any and all criticism. Remember, we wouldn’t have a successful website if it wasn’t for fantastic supporters!